Summer Safety Month

June is Summer Safety Month. The first day of summer is June 21st. It is great to know some tips when it comes to keeping safe from the sun, bugs, and other things that come with summer. It has been record hot in Nebraska this May, so knowing some tips ahead of time is pertinent. Summer brings out a lot of people in different places outside, such as the lake, park, and other outdoor activities.

Anybody can be at risk for a heat related illness, such as heat strokes, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps. The best way to avoid these illnesses is:

  • drink more liquid than you think you need (avoid alcohol)
  • wear loose and lightweight clothing
  • drink fruit juice or sports drinks if you are sweating a lot
  • avoid spending time outdoors during the hottest part of the day (11am – 3pm)
  • wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30
  • pace yourself when you run or otherwise exert your body

Ticks and mosquitoes are common insects in Nebraska. Make sure you are wearing some type of spray to protect yourself from these insects. Some ticks can cause illnesses, so do some research before going in a woodsy area.

Going out into the water is fun and refreshing on a hot day, but make sure you know how to keep safe. On average about nine people die from drowning every day. Things to keep in mind are:

  • do not swim alone
  • learn CPR
  • don’t go in the water unless you know how to swim
  • make sure you are in an area where your feet can touch the ground

Summer is fun but is even more fun if you know how to keep yourself and others safe!



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